Apr 14Liked by Amos Wollen

What would be a reason for why the same explanation of stalking’s immorality doesn’t apply to cyber-stalking? It is in a way creating a parasocial relationship, and it seems that such a rights violation is still wrong even if the victim doesn’t know it’s happening or feel any fear or discomfort as a result.

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I'll admit I only now learned that stalking is a crime, and I'm kind of horified by this fact. I guess my intuition on the matter is that, as a social transgression, it would be wrong to punish it with state (or interpersonal) violence, and we should instead employ social osracisation or other similar tools.

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I don't think the reply to (3) is convincing. Bomb threats are frequently fake and result in no violence, but they are still immoral and should be punished legally. Further, it need not be bodily violence - it could be the risk of property rights violations, for example. I think a better way of conceptualizing stalking is that it's an *implied* threat.

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