I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so many times while reading a Substack post before.

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Jun 20Liked by Amos Wollen

12:46 10/12/24

"Y'know, it's not a coincidence, I don't think at least, if I had, let's say, an hour for each of the followers I gained - it's not bloody obvious, how much good I could do. Now that's a question..."

Subscribe to Jordan's stack

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Jun 21Liked by Amos Wollen

This is awesome

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Jun 21Liked by Amos Wollen

"His first post, on December 8th, will be so confusing and full of holes that he'll gain 80,000 new followers overnight."

Realest thing in this entire "prediction" list. The less sense that guy makes, the more people think he must somehow have some wise deeper meaning behind it all.

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Jun 21Liked by Amos Wollen

Philosophy- you so funny!

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A well inspired effort to make Substack humor a thing. Congratulations 👏

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This is amazing

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